The Bubel/Aiken Foundation has awarded the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill a $10,000 grant for their 2009 Inclusion Institute. The Inclusion Institute is the premier educational opportunity for anyone involved in the care and education of children birth through age five with special needs in inclusive settings and will be held July 14 through July 16, 2009, in Chapel Hill, NC. “By partnering with the FPG Child Development Institute we are reaching professionals and volunteers across the country who are serving children in an inclusive environment. These individuals make a direct impact on our youth and help to further spread the message of inclusion,” says Jerry Aiken, Executive Director.
Yes We Can: New Opportunities for Children with Disabilities and their Families, the theme for the Institute, reflects the emphasis on strategies for using the early childhood funds available through the administration’s stimulus package (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) to promote inclusive opportunities for children birth-five and their families. Attendees will also learn about the latest research findings and resources to guide inclusive policy, professional development and practice; develop collaborative relationships and cross-agency systems to support early childhood inclusion; gain awareness of strategies and models to support inclusive services; and have the opportunity to meet, learn from and problem solve with peers.
For more information, visit
About The Bubel/Aiken Foundation: The Bubel/Aiken Foundation provides services and financial assistance to promote the full integration of children with disabilities into the life environment of those without. The Foundation strives to create awareness about the diversity of individuals with disabilities and the possibilities that inclusion can bring. To learn more about The Bubel/Aiken Foundation or ways to get involved visit their Web site at