Virtual Conference
Nov 12-15th
Registration opens mid September.
Join our Power of Play On-Demand Virtual Conference and get ready to LEARN, ADAPT and INCLUDE! Asynchronous online sessions provide participants with the strategies, resources, and best practices needed to make inclusion possible across all settings, in all activities, for children with and without disabilities.
Power of Play participants have access to recorded traditional LEARN sessions full of information aligned to the Standards for Inclusive Recreation Programs, short recorded ADAPT sessions with tips and tricks to add to your toolbox, as well as LIVE INCLUDE Q&A sessions from the presenters answering submitted questions from attendees on Nov 14 & 15.
"The content of each session was engaging, and it shows the serious, yet playful side of inclusion which is what is needed to make inclusion successful. The speakers were all incredibly knowledgeable, and being able to watch on my own time was invaluable." - POP Participant and Inclusion Manager
Traditional conference sessions in which speakers share content, information, research, strategies, etc. via slide presentations. These are recorded for asynchronous learning at your own pace with handouts available for download to supplement the video and use for reference.
Mini-sessions demonstrating an inclusion strategy, inclusive game, creative craft, accessible activity or adaptation tip recorded for learning on your own schedule. These are hands-on and practical recorded sessions designed to provide resources you can add to your “bag of tricks”.
The INCLUDE Q&A sessions will be held live on zoom throughout the day on Thurs & Fri, Nov 14-15th with our LEARN and ADAPT presenters & inclusion experts. These sessions are recorded and include speakers answering attendee questions about their presentation(s), and sharing advice about issues impacting the field.
- Recreation Professionals
- Teachers & Educators
- Parents & Advocates
- Therapists & Clinicians
- Recreation & Community Organization Directors
- Afterschool Program Staff
- Camp Counselors
- Teaching Assistants
- Inclusion Specialists
- Anyone passionate about inclusion & the power of play!
All virtual sessions that you can watch from anywhere! No need to worry with flights, hotels, mileage, etc
- Unlimited access up to 6 months (or thru Summer 2025) to all conference presentations and sessions
- Downloadable session materials, activity guides, games, & tip sheets, etc. to add to your repertoire
- Direct connections to all speakers through email
CEUs/CEs will not be awarded or processed by NIP directly. However, we will provide documentation of conference attendance upon participant request. This completion certificate will include a brief description of the conference, dates of attendance, confirmation of contact hours, and signature/contact details from Dr. Amanda Kloo, NIP's Director of Inclusive Recreation. Participants should follow the guidelines established by their professional organization or licensing body for earning continuing education units/credits. Participants are individually responsible for understanding these guidelines, securing, and submitting relevant documentation.
Presenting at Power of Play helps to build a world-wide community of practice in inclusive recreation. It connects you to like-minded colleagues and programs doing similar mission-driven work. It provides you complimentary conference registration and 6-month free access to all presentation recordings, materials, & resources. Above all, it helps NIP shine a spotlight on the extraordinary things you and your program are doing to make inclusion a reality for the children and families you serve.
Interested? Click the button below for the request for proposal (rfp) information. All proposals should be submitted to amandakloo@inclusionproject.
Have questions about the conference? Have a group of 5 or more? Just want to talk through the logistics with someone to make sure it's the right fit for you? Give our Director of Inclusive Recreation Dr. Amanda Kloo a call @ 919-314-5540 or shoot her an email at amandakloo@inclusionproject.org.
Everybody Participates Everybody Belongs
There are many ways to support our mission. One of them is through donating.
Whether it's a little or a lot, it all helps and it all matters!