Update on Special Guests: Please note that due to scheduling conflicts, Dee Snider will not be available to participate in our 2012 Champions Gala. Dee, we will miss you and all the best!
Update on VIP Reception photos: The photos will be provided digitally this year and will be available a couple days after the Champions Gala. This will allow professional editing of pictures to ensure best results and eliminate physical handling and travel issues with hard copy. This process provides greater flexibility for all participants and therefore a reminder to please respect others regarding use of images.The Gold ticket holders will be provided website access and password information allowing you to retrieve your photo at your leisure. Platinum ticket holders will be emailed their photos individually.
If anyone does not have electronic means to receive their photo, please advise the Project and we will make other arrangements.
We believe these changes will be more accommodative for all and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!